Irv Suss

Irv Suss

My initial training was in photography.

While at first skeptical of digital art, or new media as it was called, I came to embrace this new genre for it’s unlimited creative possibilities.

When asked how I create my art, I simply say that I paint on a computer screen. The mouse is my brush. The imagination is my guide.

My abstract art is a flight of fancy. The imagination at work, or at play, where the real juxtaposes with the surreal. The imagination creates the image. A new reality with a new energy emerges. Shapes, textures, symmetries and asymmetries, colors and tones are there to be explored. Lines bend, change, or disappear entirely playing off each other creating a new image, all in an effort to elicit a reaction, or an emotion from the viewer. Limits like rules are to be avoided. Each piece is unique and entirely the product of my imagination expressed on the canvas. The image speaks for itself."


Paula Schiller


Carol Wall