David Greene

David Greene

When I was 12, I was given a brownie camera and dark room paraphernalia by my Mom’s then boyfriend, a portrait painter and professional photographer. A walk-in clothes closet became a temporary dark room as I first learned I liked photography.

Jump 9 years to when I took a Minolta across country armed only with BW film I developed myself. The Black Hills became the shades of black hills.

Then life got in the way. Teaching for 38 years, Marriage, Family. Photography became travel slide shows on a Kodak carousel. Analog all the way. Kodachrome. They give us those nice bright colors. They give us the greens of summers. Makes you think all the world's a sunny day. Oh yeah…I got a Minolta camera. I love to take a photograph. So, missus, don't take my Kodachrome away.

---apologies to Paul Simon

Finally, I turned digital, retired, and opened my world up to more travel and new ways to photograph. I finally got that Nikon that was in the real song lyric, learned how Ansel Adams would use technology (short of Photoshop) to express himself today, and I started viewing the world differently.

A photograph is often called a “slice of time”. A photograph can capture and hold that one precious moment for all eternity to be shared by others. This work represents how I want to share my slices of time from wherever in the world they may be taken.


Dail Fried


Adele Grodstein